Retracted: Russian bounty Trump scandal was disinformation

One of the biggest scandals of the Trump administration has been retracted by the New York Times, and was likely disinformation disseminated by members of the US intelligence community.

We’re not completely clear on what happened here, because the international socialists have been reporting this for a while. Can the marxists not align their talking points?

Maybe not, they can certainly pile them up and propagate them.

What Happened

disinformation election interference

And, we do know some of what happened. Here are some of our favorite highlights:


There are many important questions to ask, but two are critical, why and who. Molly nails the why.


I’d like to highlight a few NYT reporters who participated in this, and used their credentials to push it:

To Be Clear

Though this story was relatively quickly debunked, we do not doubt for a second Russia, China and Iran would all pay bounties for American heads.